Research and Policy
Identifying Opportunity and Equity
When HUD published its guidance on Fair Housing and Equity Assessments (FHEAs), it was a welcomed by both governments and advocates alike. The new FHEA format would allow analysis of segregation, concentrations of poverty, and opportunity at the regional level. HUD was providing a robust set of data for use in FHEAs while allowing for local data to be included to supplement and explain unique situations within and between metro areas.
Collaborative experiences with opportunity mapping and cutting edge affirmative furthering programs in the Chicago region made it possible to provide a model FHEA for the Chicago region. It ended up influencing FHEAs in other regions and Assessments of Fair Housing (AFHs) in the Chicago area.
Following the publication of the FHEA for the Chicago Region, local governments, community advocates, and affordable housing developers leveraged its findings and action plan to improve housing, community development, and racial equity efforts.
The Collaborative can provide similar actionable research, policy, and advocacy for governments, advocates, and other community stakeholders.